My excitement and love for photography grows with every person I meet...every photo I take.

It brings me joy to capture your emotions, your laughter, and your moment with every frame.

Its your story. You are unique.

Let me be your visual record keeper.

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eyelet: family fun | Phoenix, AZ| CA| and wherever my camera takes me!

22 June 2011
I am a photographer who seems to have hit a lull in the ol' business plan. I am sitting here asking myself, "what more I can do to bring people to the website, to look at the photos, to make a decision that they want photos taken? But not just any photos by any person. Photos by me...Dawniele Castellanos...owner/photographer of eyefull photography?"

And the answer is clear?

I can't make anyone do anything. I can only do what I do and hope that someone spies an element in my photography style that they want hanging on their walls (of course with their family and loved ones and not mine-necessarily...unless you are Grandma or Nana and of course you want my family hanging on your wall). But thankfully, I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. And as long as I feel like He is still moving me forward, lull or not, I will continue to do what I love to do.  Savvy?

In the meantime, I still need to stay stay in the game. 
So what did the girls and I decide to do?
Make faces....

We started out wanting to make cross-eyed pictures, but #4 can't cross her eyes on command.

#3 can only cross her eyes when she is not thinking about it. But since she is NOW thinking about crossing her eyes, she cannot cross her eyes.

Props are  what #2 needs to cross her eyes. Not able to do it on her own, she uses her fingers to guide her  eyes into place.

#1- well, in her own words, "I can't do it. I just can't do it."

LOL! I love these girls and this is why I do what I do.

And then there's me. Handing over my camera to my #2 to snap a photo. Crossing my eyes is not a problem...its just getting them uncrossed that might be trouble.

Have a great day!


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