An evening consitutional, if you will.
See that beautiful black beauty in the middle? That's my Keurig. And I love her.
I just purchased this cup (two of them), as well as (2) Vente cups, and (2)Tall cups from Starbucks. They are my new favorite mugs to drink out of. They make my evening consititutional so grand.
Aw, my new cup and my lovely Keurig. Now what to make....
Well, I love toast and strawberry jam. This particular jam is made by my neighbor Joanna Crowley, she lives behind me (remember the sunflowers) and she is a fabulous cook and she does things like this, get strawberries and can them. She also has fabulous recipes! You can meet Joanna and her try her yummy recipes here and for the record, her Baked Potato Soup is yumdelicioso.
Whenever she posts that she has something to sale, I tell her to meet me at the fence. Everything she makes is always so good.
Everything is prepared and ready to go...
Look at all these yummy varieties of coffee for the Keurig? I have more, but these were the ones in the box I grabbed, so I used them. You can try these varieties at Big Cat Coffee. I love them because they let you put together your own variety pack. You can choose 5 of any of your favorites, up to 25 per box. So in one box, you get 5 different kinds of coffee and teas. Yummy. Delivered right to your house! Yea Boy!
Tonight, I choose Chai Tea...!
Load the Keurig.
While my water is heating up (in about a minute) I butter my toast.
The Keurig brews in less than 60 seconds. So fast. So perfect.
I wanted creamer in my tea. But its hard to get good depth perception when you are taking your own photo and pouring at the same time.
Yep and Chocolate makes anything taste better.
Oh that's so good!
This just made me CRAVE toast with butter and jam!! I'm going to have to meet this Crowley lady. We may also be related because Kyle's family name was originally Crowley!!! So, go ahead and tell our cousin we're waiting for our Jar.
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